Hi there! We’re Carol and Lacy Small, a duo of lifelong learners and adventurers excited to share our thoughts,
insights, and experiences through this blog. Carol is a retired Navy veteran who’s navigated life with
strength and a knack for storytelling. Lacy, her husband and partner in crime, is a retired welder who’s spent years shaping
metal—and now ideas. Together, we’re here to write about the topics that interest and inspire us, from practical advice and
how-tos to exploring the questions that make us curious about the world.

Our goal is to share informative, engaging content that sparks thought and maybe even a smile. Whether it’s a deep dive into
a topic, a handy tip, or just something we think you’ll find useful, we hope to make this space as interesting for you as it is for us.

Thanks for stopping by—let’s explore together!

Carol & Lacy